Friday, December 20, 2002

Anxiety rating..(1)

Well hush my big log back on and its all working again..:-D.....Sorry to guys upstairs..:-O..your doing a great job really!..hehe. It does seem that the guest map is not working but that's nothing to do with me...Typical I get one of their products and the whole Bravenet system wasn't me honest..:-I..I never broke it!.. Hopefully they will have it sorted soon and we will be back cooking on gas!..:-)

Found another good web page today , have posted a link 'Anxiety support group' came from a hit on this website on the stats I have no idea how they found me. They seem to be well organized and have lots going on..:-) even going to join myself..looks good fun for all us gibbering wrecks.

Things are ok here , family all well and looking forward to crimbo..:-) ever the kids cant wait to see what they got!..Oooo the joy of youth! like us old wrinklies who cant be bothered with it all anymore..:-P.. My anxiety is very low at the moment so I'm feeling good..:-)..until the hormones kick in again and I turn into a basket case for a week or so..:-(....The joys of being female!..but it wouldn't be the same if we had nothing to moan about now would it girls?

The blind farmer..:-D

Click Santa above for another funny cartoon 'the blind farmer'..and its a clean one..:-P

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