Friday, February 07, 2003

Anxiety Rating..(0).. Grrrrrrrrr rating..(1).. Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Yay...hehe..does that say '0' it does..there is life in the old dog yet!! :)
Hope you all had a good week and the pitfalls of life did not befall you :P
My week has been strange to say the least, It seems my hubby is spending way too much time with one of his landscape gardening clients :/ Me thinks he is giving her lower borders way too much attention, and lets not get into the thought of him trimming her bush :/....LoL..did I just right that...hehe Shes in her 50s so if that's the best he can do hes welcome to her :) Some clients it seems get special attention ..lucky them :0

On a lighter note if you ever fancied designing Mr or Mrs right take a look at this . I had to laugh when I tried to make Mr right it came out looking like my hubby when he was in his late 20s.. hehe
I'm off to read through the blog roll and see what everyone is upto :)..sleep well x x

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