Sunday, November 24, 2002

Just a quick note about my links so far.....
Pictonary and Word Games are great fun if you just want to unwind and there is also a chat option in all rooms so a god place to make new friends also..:-)...At the Word games site if you go back to the home page there are also a collection of other fun games of all different types..a good way to just forget your problems if only for the odd hour.
The Manx Forum link 'does what it says on the tin' Manxnet is the net service for the Isle of Man and their Forum site is one of the best that I have come across so far. It covers all their local issues but also has many general topics to join in with ;-)...and they don't seem to mind us foreigners joining in. So have fun!!!!
Worlds 3D is a 3D interactive chat service. You get to choose and build your own there are many worlds to visit. Great if you fancy chat with a difference.

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