Saturday, September 20, 2003

Design Flaw

I sometimes think that the big man upstairs is having a damn good laugh as he looks down on us poor creatures. Lets face it.. when he was sat there, at his drawing board, he must have thought *I know... this will spice the whole thing up and make these pathetic little creatures worth watching*.. what did he do?.. he made the sexes so incompatible that we haven't a snowballs chance in hell of ever getting on.. and the evidence is this......

Men withhold love to get sex...
Women withhold sex to get love... well were stuffed here straight away :(
Men can only do one thing at once...
while women can multi task.... Hence the reason for guys getting so upset when your doing the times crossword while having sex... That's if you ever get around to having sex because of the bit mentioned above :(
Men think in numbers and objects...
while women think in feelings and emotions... He's thinking *we can have sex twice before the footy comes on*(wishful thinking on my part... twice in half an hour... never!!) while she's thinking *Great.. an hour in bed .. a nice cuddle and a good chat after*.. She's no sooner got over the 'quick bonk' and he's either .. out of bed like a rat up a drain pipe or snoring his brains out within a second of his head touching the pillow!! :(
So with all that in mind.. I give in!!! Well never get what's the point.. I have decided to become a lesbian... Again! :)

nite chucks.. sleep well x

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