Thursday, December 25, 2003

Ho Ho Ho..:P

He...He... Well its that time folks.. Merry Christmas.. or Happy Holidays for the Americans reading this page. I wish you all a good One!!!
I'm off to get it naked :P..The turkey that is :).. And give it a damn good stuffing.. The husband that

After surviving the yearly trip to see my parents without loosing the will to live and wishing I hadn't''t suddenly been stuck deaf, I find myself chilled. But with no skin left on my lips :(.. Its a selotape thing :(.. The joys of child ownership and much present wrapping :P
We also had snow 2 days ago which was kinda fab in a Christmas card kinda way, but my son loved it and it was a joy to see all the local kids snowballing the local OAP's... Joke!!!

keep warm and have much fun love and laughter Chucks :) much love x x

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